Dear customer,
Please note the upcoming transition from daylight saving time to winter time at 03:00 hrs in Belgium (01:00 hrs UTC0) on 25.10.2020, gasday 24.10.2020.
All clocks will be adjusted reverse one hour at this time.
In the transition from winter time, the gasday 24.10.2020 has 25 hours
CET (Local Time) UTC0
06-07 04-05
07-08 05-06
08-09 06-07
09-10 07-08
10-11 08-09
11-12 09-10
12-13 10-11
13-14 11-12
14-15 12-13
15-16 13-14
16-17 14-15
17-18 15-16
18-19 16-17
19-20 17-18
20-21 18-19
21-22 19-20
22-23 20-21
23-00 21-22
00-01 22-23
01-02 23-00
02-03 00-01
02-03 01-02
03-04 02-03
04-05 03-04
05-06 04-05
We would kindly ask you to consider the above for your nominations, to adapt your quantities if necessary and to pass on the information to your operational team.
Please also inform your counterparties.
Should you have any urgent technical questions, our Dispatching remains at your disposal 24/24 hours on the following number: +32 (0)2 282 70 04.
Kind regards,
The Commercial Team